The immensity of architecture

One of the points of interest of architecture in the modern era has been the human detachment from new trends, which has given freedom to create buildings with various abstract forms or enormous dimensions.

Due to the above and adding the current lifestyle, which is governed by processes and systems which accelerate the construction steps, and especially the use of technology that helps this issue, what we call immensity in architecture.

“The importance of technology in the immensity of architecture”

| We recommend you read: Impact of technology in the construction industry.

At present we can see buildings that make humans look like “little ants”, constructions that fulfill different functions, it can be from a museum, a shopping center or a building for industrial production.

These spaces can become abstract shapes, or of unimaginable dimensions, but always basing their project process on:

  • Landscape-environment
  • Context
  • Functional requirements
  • Motion
  • Balance
  • Scale

Despite the human detachment that is often found in this type of construction, the architects who develop them base their architectural ideas on the 5 senses, since it is what will identify the different qualities of the space to be perceived, it also has to do with the corporeal relationship of the human being who experiences that space and the cultural, social and psychological conditions that surround him.

Through these relationships, buildings convey meanings to us or reveal their functionalities. An example could be an industrial warehouse, since it is built in large dimensions due to its functionality, which are mass productions and large quantities that are regularly distributed.

The senses that are used in large buildings are the following and are closely related to architecture, get to know them:


This sense, in which the eyes and the brain are involved, is the main one in the architecture of large buildings and of various shapes, since it is this that will give the project depth. Therefore, our experience of space is an elaboration of our mind based on certain characteristics that we find in the retinal images.

// EAR

Sound measures space and makes its scale understandable. It captures the space that we are perceiving. Contrary to the focused view. The ear is omni receptor. The echoes of the sound vary as the movement is carried out; they reproduce the harmony that is to be transmitted.


Architects of the modern movement have tried not to lose that part of humanity that gives their works a good composition of materials and textures. The taste for details, its warmth, roughness and hardness are physical qualities that bring architecture closer to the world we live in.


In addition to reflecting light and producing vibrations when colliding with each other, objects can release particular aromatic chemicals, which constitute the sources of information that reach our nasal cavity through the air, and thanks to which we can acquire an experience of smells. in a space, which can remain in our memories.


This is a little-recognized sense in architecture, but it is also linked to touch. The taste experience includes temperature, texture, hardness and flexibility, as well as smells and the inevitable taste.

Finally, the architectural experience of the immense buildings found in different parts of the world provide us with experiences according to their functions and environments. At GEG we are sure that our work with industrial buildings has a great presence for the industrial sector, providing large, personalized spaces. for each of our clients.

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