Today, women have become a fundamental piece in the work and business world, it is important to generate a change in approach and mentality regarding gender equity and diversity, since they are and will be positive factors in work environments, and where the result will be greater openness to a culture of equality in any company, since, by expressing oneself, sharing knowledge or debating ideas, it will make us all grow.

There is a large number of women as leaders in the world of work, being key pieces in the construction of work teams, thus offering to open new paths for more talented women; since this has allowed countries around the world to advance at a different pace, achieving leadership positions and benefiting society as a whole, thus raising organizational effectiveness, fostering a culture where everyone prospers.

Currently, business leaders have made roles more flexible so that women do not have to abandon the world of work and their professional success when they have a family, since they provide opportunities by improving working conditions, where they can have a balance in life. , that is, managing to meet their personal obligations without this affecting their professional career in the workplace and vice versa.

Although it is true that growth and stability are factors of utmost importance when offering women the opportunities and challenges that arise, the collaboration of women in the workplace is also part of the growth and stability of third parties, where greater and better opportunities are provided for women in the development and economy of a country, in addition to being a great example to follow for those around them, promoting improvement.

Various companies open up a wide range of options and, in turn, possibilities for new professional challenges and job creation, where both are extremely linked, making social progress more comprehensive, ensuring the success of large companies, in which reflected the growth of women in the workplace.

Establishing companies where equality is valued, women occupying leadership positions, where women do not feel judged by their appearance, providing work flexibility, respecting their innovation, creativity and offering trust and safe spaces so that, in the event of any incident they can report it.

“Personally, I always have three phrases in mind to be able to exercise leadership”

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  • The first is that nothing is impossible, one can achieve what one wants by working very hard, since the only thing that separates you from your dream is a plan and the date of that plan.
  • The second is to acquire the necessary knowledge to grow and the most important thing is NOT to stop sharing it, the leader is responsible for helping his work team improve, where they grow and learn what is necessary to achieve their own objectives, those of the department and very important that of the company.
  • And finally, you need to work as a team to reach the goal, accept that we need help, know how to delegate and give freedom with responsibility.

I feel very proud of the women who are part of my team, GEG has great women, each of them valuable, so valuable that every day they strive to give the best of themselves.

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