Sustainable construction: environmental awareness as a social trend

Within the construction and building sector, it is currently more common to talk about sustainability, which aims to use and take advantage of natural resources, reducing the use of polluting materials.

The construction world is no stranger to the urgency of combating climate change and global warming and its consequences within our habitat.

Today, more than ever, there is more awareness about the environmental impact generated by our daily activities, which is why thousands of people and companies around the world have decided to get down to work to give the environment a break.

Although the concept of sustainability is exclusively associated with caring for the environment, it also refers to two other aspects of important action: social and economic.

In a context of energy crisis, sustainable construction appears as a viable option for those who are willing to pay a little more when building, but who will end up compensating for it with savings in energy consumption and other services.

So, when we talk about advancing towards a sustainable paradigm, what we are doing is saying that economic prosperity should not necessarily be set aside, but that a balance must be sought with environmental care and the quality of life of all societies so that in the environment in which we live can be preserved.

“It is the responsibility of civilization to develop their societies without harming the environment that welcomes us “our land”.

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A quality building is a necessity that must be met without compromising the existing ecosystems, the elements involved in a construction must assume an ethical and responsible position with respect to the origins of the materials used, the way they are used and their reuse or recycling.

This aspect reduces the proportion of waste generated, improving the quality of life of users, without compromising the environment.

The most widely used model for sustainable construction is what is called eco-efficiency. Based on the concept of creating more goods and services using fewer resources, creating less waste and pollution. In the case of companies, several have turned to renewable energies, such as solar and wind, to reduce the consumption of water and light in manufacturing processes. With these measures they also help reduce carbon emissions, responsible for climate change.

Currently it is possible to find sustainable architecture in offices, shopping centers and even industrial plants. As a society we are obliged to undertake changes that lead us to a sustainable and sustainable way of life, not only in our present, but for the following generations, achieving an environmental change in our future.

The dissemination of environmental awareness always has to do with the social: with integrating communities and sharing knowledge on this topic that is beneficial for all.

The result is improved human well-being and social equity, while also significantly reducing environmental risks.

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