Did you know that wood brings health benefits?

Wood, being a natural material and due to its own composition and origin, brings benefits to mental and physical health. Wood brings well-being, due to its aesthetic appearance, its pleasant touch, its low thermal conductivity and its ability to regulate humidity that makes indoor climates more pleasant, increasing comfort.

We all want to feel comfortable in our environment and for this reason heating, ventilation, lighting systems, etc., have evolved in search of this comfort and well-being.

Scientists have developed measurement methods to assess people’s calmness. One of the most important criteria in this measurement is thermal conductivity, verifying that objects with a cold surface are perceived as unpleasant, reducing this sensation. For this reason and since wood has a low thermal conductivity, it can be said that it is the best material to have an environment that offers satisfaction and well-being.

Currently, wood is the protagonist in the rehabilitation of buildings since it meets aesthetic, weight and resistance expectations and, of course, a good price-result ratio. Its possibilities of use are endless with a good treatment and design. It can be used as building cladding, structural use, roofing, furniture, floors, doors, windows, etc.

Wood has been one of the materials most used by humans to build buildings since the beginning of history. Although the use of steel, concrete or iron has brought significant advances to construction, wood has never lost its popularity.

This element is a hygroscopic material, that is, it regulates internal relative humidity and temperature. This provides us with a temperate climate, without great variations, with warm temperatures in winter and cool temperatures in summer. An adequate thermal comfort increases our productivity and improves our performance, since the metabolism reaches a stable equilibrium, so it has the ability to regulate the amount of humidity.

This is a very important factor as it helps the respiratory tract and reduces the risk of irritation of the mucous membranes. In addition, pathogens and germs multiply more in areas with high humidity, so an environment with wood regulates humidity and reduces the presence of these microbes.

“With life becoming increasingly fast-paced and connected, natural materials and the feeling of connection to nature they provide will continue to be something we crave for our homes.”

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The touch of warmth inherent in wood, together with the feeling of well-being that it promotes, both for us and for the environment, make it a favorable choice when decorating the interiors of an office, home, etc.

Wood is capable of creating atmospheres based on practically any design that fits this moldable and easy-to-work material. With proper care, it can increase its resistance for many years. It is an extremely flexible material that allows it to be combined with practically any other type of material, colors and styles, such as rustic, minimalist or elegant.

At GEG we take care of using the appropriate materials in all our projects, satisfying the needs of our clients and taking care of their well-being. We also have a fully specialized department in sustainability, constantly concerned with contributing with good practices, which help us protect the environment.

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